Author: Gail Elaine Mewes
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Date: November 20, 2012
About The Author
Gail Elaine Mewes has been a professional artist and programmer for over 30 years. Early in her career, she worked for Boeing, General Electric and John Deere creating animations and graphics for computer programs and the web. Now she writes and illustrates children's books and creates learning apps for children.
A Story About Mrs. Claus
What does Mrs. Claus do on Christmas Eve while Santa is delivering presents?
This is the story of a secret mission that Mrs. Claus performs to bring orphan children and loving families together on Christmas Eve. With the help of some very ingenious elves, Mrs. Claus is ALMOST able to keep this mission a secret from Santa.
Mary Claus learns that her promise to never keep secrets from her husband would have to be broken for the greater good of some very needy children.
My Thoughts
I honesty loved everything about this short chapter book about the Santa Claus family.
This story shares the strong family values and loving relationships that exist between Santa, Mary and all the elves at the North Pole. It is an original story with adventure, suspense, a broken promise and forgiveness. This book conveys the true meaning of Christmas in a very special way.
This ebook is very well written and formatted for the Kindle.
Highly recommended for the entire family!
My Rating: 5 Stars Out Of 5
This ebook is being offered as a FREE digital download on Amazon.Com TODAY!
Grab it NOW and share it with your family and friends.
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