Steven Rice has written a book about his spiritual quest for a life of joy. An Imperceptible Spark: Finding the Courage to Live a Life of Joy tells about Steve's journey from living a life of frustration to living the life of his dreams.
About Steve Rice
Mr. Rice is a trained workshop facilitator, and has conducted relationship enhancement and communication workshops. He has provided keynotes for a variety of church and civic organizations. An Imperceptible Spark: Finding the Courage to Live a Life of Joy is his first book.
Steve Discovers His Life Purpose
Many people struggle to determine their life purpose. Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? Mr. Rice wanted to define his innate purpose. He believes each person is uniquely equipped to fulfill a purpose. One day, Steve realized that his purpose was to give other people hope. He realized that all the things he does instinctively and intuitively are driven by his desire to give hope to others. Steve tells about that nearly imperceptible spark...taking courage and making a decision...that has changed his thoughts and changed his life.
How Do You Change Your Mind?
Mr. Rice compares a shift in thinking to a tidal wave. When a tidal wave hits an island, it wipes out everything in it's path. After the destruction, new life emerges and growth occurs. Steve tells how the "tsunami" of change began to hit his life and to transform his experience profoundly. In the mind, when a shift like this occurs, a wave of new thoughts begins to churn like the waves beneath the surface of the ocean. When these new thoughts meet the resistance of old habits and thought patterns, that is when the evidence of the new thought becomes visible. A change in habits and thought patterns is never easy but it is possible. Mr. Rice shares exactly how he changed his life by changing his thoughts.
This book gives me hope because...
it shows how one person can cast off the expectations of others and live a life that is rewarding and joyful. I have everything I need to live a life of joy. Each person has an imperceptible spark...the courage to make a decision to change our thoughts and live a life of joy!
This book is available in paperback
I want to thank Mr. Rice for sending me a digital copy of this book to read and review.