The evening began with praise music led by Martin Smith, lead singer and song writer from the former Christian rock band Delirious? . The music was powerful and the audience members were on their feet during the entire 30 minutes of priase and worship.
At the end of the music, Joyce greeted the crowd and made her plea for support for her ministry. She showed an emotional video of some of the work that the Hand Of Hope World Missions is doing to help the poor and sick people of the world. It is truly amazing to see the hospitals, clinics, orphanages, schools and shelters that are a result of contributions to the Joyce Meyer Ministries. A picture is worth a thousand words and the video did a wonderful job illustrating the work that Joyce's world missions are doing.
The theme of conference was "Others" and Joyce Meyer used Scripture from John 13: 1-17 as the basis of her message. Jesus washed his diciples's feet and Joyce said that all Christians should be servants. Joyce took a towel and tied it around her waist and then got a pan of water. She then acted out the Scripture by washing the feet of Martin Smith, an unknown lady from the audience and Dave Meyer. It was really touching to see this world-famous Bible teacher down on her knees washing feet. She made her point very clear ~ If Jesus Christ could humble himself and wash feet then so can we.
I thought it was interesting that Joyce mentioned her book, The Love Revolution
I have been attending Joyce Meyer Conferences for the past eight years. I am always inspired by Joyce's messages and last night was no different. I have to say that Joyce seemed tired and didn't have the energy and pizazz that I have seen in other years. She said that they had just returned from a trip to India and it appeared that she was still weary from this long journey.
May the Lord bless and keep Joyce Meyer and her entire ministry team.
I went to the conference with friends last night. We go every year and always come out thinking that the message was made for us. Do you happen to know who the girl was that sang last night. I can not remember the song however I hear it all the time on KSBJ. If you know the singer or the song will you please send to me.
I believe the female singer at the Joyce Meyer Conference on Friday night was Kim Walker-Smith.
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