Renegades Write the Rules: How the Digital Royalty Use Social Media to Innovate
Author: Amy Jo Martin
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Date: October 2, 2012
About The Author
Amy Jo Martin founded Digital Royalty in 2009 to help companies, celebrities, professional sports leagues, teams and athletes build, measure and monetize their digital universe.
The Renegades
Mary Jo Martin is an expert on the power of social media, the latest social media trends, how to build a personal brand using social media and on personal and business innovation.
Ms. Martin encourages her readers to get involved in social media by bucking previous assumptions and embracing their inner renegade. She shows them how, step by step, with the eight essential Renegade Rules:
Rule 1: Be the Media Rule
Rule 2: Show Some Skin
Rule 3: Unmask Your Motives
Rule 4: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Rule 5: Ask Forgiveness Rather Than Permission
Rule 6: Consensus Is the True Authority
Rule 7: There's a New ROI in Town
Rule 8: The Act of Good Can Be Scaled
The author shares fascinating stories about how she went to work as the Director of Digital Media and Research for the NBA Phoenix Suns and helped Shaquille O'Neal develop a strategy for his Twitter presence. She has helped many other sports celebrities build a strong fan base on Twitter and Facebook.
My Thoughts
This is an entertaining and informative book about developing social media influence. Sports fans will love the stories that she tells about working with some of the biggest names in professional sports.
Ms. Martin shares core values in this book that are essential in building trust via social media. She believes that both sides of the relationship must be equal with ongoing value exchange and reciprocation. She is a social rocket scientist because she believes magic happens when we combine numbers/statistics with an emotional connection. She advises us to strive to become expert listeners in both the physical and virtual worlds. Renegades have to earn trust and respect.
I believe this book offers a high degree of value and should be added to your reading list if you are a student of social media and branding strategies. This book offers practical insights and advice that can be used to build your presence on any social media platform. You don't have to be a celebrity or sports star to benefit from the information in this book.
Ms. Martin is launching an online Digital Royalty University that will instruct users on her methods of using social media. This is a great way to continue learning after you finish reading the book...the first lesson is free!
Three cheers for #TeamRenegade!
My Rating: 5 Stars Out Of 5
FYI ~ I received a complimentary digital copy of this book to read and review from the publisher.
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