Thursday, August 2, 2018

Hope and Other Super Powers

Hope and Other Superpowers: A Life-Affirming, Love-Defending, Butt-Kicking, World-Saving Manifesto

Author: John Pavlovitz

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Publication Date: November 6, 2018

Length: 256 Pages

About the Author

What Kind of Person Does the World Need Right Now?
This book is a call to action. It is a call for activism and resistance against the upside-down world we live in.

The author uses popular comic book heroes to identify ways of cultivating key traits (ordinary superpowers) that will improve our lives and our outlook on the worldwide community. 

The book warns about the weaknesses (our personal Kryptonite) that leaves us vulnerable to the adversaries and villains that we will face on the journey.

Superpowers don't work alone but in teams of other people with the ultimate goal of creating a global movement of radical goodness. This book provides guidelines for locating like-minded heroes and how to join together to achieve common goals.

Mr. Pavlovitz shares stories of some ordinary superhumans to illustrate how they triumphed against adversity, despair and opposition. These stories serve as an example to launch us into our greater purpose and destiny.

The author recently made the following plea on his blog, and this book provides guidance on how to take meaningful action.
My Thoughts
 I read this book from cover to cover and found it quite compelling. Mr. Pavlovitz is an excellent writer and expresses his ideas, views and opinions in a very articulate and meaningful manner. He has built a huge platform of supporters on social media sites and frequently expresses his dislike for President Trump and the current political environment in our country.

However, I don't think this book is about politics, religion or liberalism. I believe Mr. Pavlovitz is sincere in his desire to make this a better world. The purpose  for this book is to inspire and motivate ordinary people to get off the sidelines and take a stand for their beliefs and convictions. He warns that there will be a price to pay for taking a bold stand on controversial social, political and religious issues. You will face the scorn and rejection of family members, co-workers, church members...your mother might think your brother/sister is better than you. 

Put on your cape and use the superpowers described in this book to turn your back on fear and pick a hill worth dying on.

I feel like our country has lowered the bar on what is morally right and wrong. I don't even like watching the news anymore. The bad news just keeps coming. This book stirs something deep inside of me. It confirms the popular quotation by Edmund Burke; "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing."
Hope and Other Super Powers will be released on November 6...election day. A coincidence? No, I don't think so. 


FYI ~ I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. Thank you to Simon and Schuster for making this advance reading copy available.

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