Monday, January 9, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway: The Fractured Life of 3743

Native American Rob Cabitto writes a memoir about his life of abuse, molestation, abandonment and addiction. "The Fractured Life of 3743" is a story of redemption and recovery.

The author does an amazing job sharing the emotional and traumatic events of his past. He is now anxious to help others who find themselves dealing with similar situations. 

About the Author
Rob Cabitto is a Native American Indian from the Karuk Tribe, and 3743, his tribal roll number, identifies his Native blood and heritage.

Rob is Founder and CEO of Nine Mile Communications Inc., which provides installation services for data and telecommunication equipment covering North America. Rob received his B.S. in Business Marketing from the University of Phoenix and an M.B.A. from the New York Institute of Technology. Rob also holds many specialty certificates in Data Networking, Data Storage, Telecommunications and Network Design.

A Childhood From Hell
Rob Cabitto is a Karuk Indian from northern California. The tribe has a rich history in basket weaving and fishing. Rob had nine biological brothers and sisters. One of Rob's first memories is his alcoholic biological father pouring gasoline on him and trying to set him on fire. Rob was four years old.

Rob's biological mother and father were both alcoholics. He and his siblings were taken from their parents and placed in foster homes at a young age. Rob was legally adopted when he was nine-years-old.

Unfortunately, his adoptive father suffered major health problems and his adoptive mother had a difficult time adjusting to the responsibilities of the family. Rob felt like he was pretty much on his own and soon became hooked on alcohol and drugs. He was also sexually molested during this time by the older sister of a friend.

Over the years, Rob was homeless, spent time in jail and was involved in many dysfunctional relationships with women. He eventually had a desire to get back to his Native American roots and reconnect with his family, tribe and spirit.

Healing and Fresh Starts
Rob always had a love of reading and a desire to get a good education. He sought help in recovery programs, with counselors and with tribal Medicine Men and Native American spiritual guides.

He was able to earn a graduate business degree and start his own technology company. More importantly, he has taken great strides in healing his fractured heart and emotions.

My Thoughts
This is a very compelling true story that includes many heart-wrenching details. It is so sad to learn that children have to live in circumstances like the ones described in this book.

The good news is that Rob Cabbito is a survivor and an over comer. He has pulled himself up out of the pit of addiction and is now living a successful life. He is also determined to help others overcome addiction and dysfunctional living.

I was very interested in this book because I have read very little about the modern day challenges of Native Americans. I found this book very informative about the Native American customs and rituals. Rob found healing when he went back to his roots and took pride in his heritage. This book is not for everyone, but I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in addiction and recovery issues. This book will open your eyes to the problems in the Native American culture and inspire you to confront your own emotional demons.

This book is available in paperback editions from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. It is also available as a Kindle book from Amazon.

Book Giveaway
I would love to pass my review copy of this book on to one of my readers. If you feel like you could benefit from reading Rob's story, please send me a brief email at I will read your emails and choose a winner based on your comment. These comments will remain private and will not be posted on this blog. I will ship the book to you at my expense.

FYI ~ I received a free preview paperback copy of "The Fractured Life of 3743" from Rob Cabitto's book publicist. Thank you to Rachel M. Anderson of RMA Publicity!

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