Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Make A Video Book Trailer With Animoto

The newest way to promote your book is with video. A book trailer is a film or video advertisement for a book which employs techniques similar to those of movie trailers. The main difference is that a movie trailer already has visual images to work with - clips from the film. With a book trailer, the maker has to convert the written words into visual images.

My First Book Trailer Video
I just created my first book trailer. I still have many things to learn about making book trailers, but here are a few tips to keep in mind for your own project.
  • Open with a picture of the book cover. I believe the viewer should see the book at the beginning of the video. You want to convey the idea of your book, and get people excited about it - excited enough to want to buy it!
  • Choose still images and/or video clips to illustrate the theme of the book. I used stock photos and videos from the Animoto library. I use Animoto to create video slide shows from still photos. I highly recommend this service.
  • Choose a musical background to add interest and emotion. Animoto has hundreds of copyright-free songs that can be used for personal or commercial video productions.
  • Use special effects and transitions to add excitement to your book trailer. I love Animoto because it automatically adds special effects that are coordinated with the music. You just push the "Create" button and the software does the rest.
  • Add quotes, testimonials or your personal comments about the book. This is a great way to add more information about the book. You should provide just enough information to make the viewer want to read the book.
  • Most book trailers run from one to three minutes. The video should offer a short preview of your book.
  • Always add purchase information. Be sure to let the viewer know where they can buy the book. This should be at the very end of the book trailer.
  • Post your book trailer on video sharing sites. I always post my videos on YouTube but there are many others to choose from. Be sure to share the book trailer on your social media sites.
Please view my first book trailer project and share your thoughts in the Comments Sections below. I truly appreciate your feedback. Thank You!

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