Mr. Vaynerchuk believes it is important that brands and businesses learn how to properly use social media to develop one-to-one relationships with their customer base.
Word Of Mouth Is Back
Mr. Vaynerchuck tells us about how small town businesses operated in the days of our grandparents and great-grandparents. The customers weren't just walking wallets; they were friends and neighbors. The business owners cared about their customers and tried to please them. Relationships and word of mouth could have a direct impact on an individual's personal and professional reputation, and on the success or failure of one's business. Word of mouth is now back. Social media sites allow us to discuss future purchases with people that we like and trust. These conversations are traveling across the world in real time.
The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
The ROI of a social media user is deeply tied to that user's sense of community and the emotional attachment he or she associates with a product. Last year, the motherboard on my Dell laptop computer went out. The computer was only 13 months old so I was quite upset. I was even more upset after being put on hold for a very long time by a Dell customer service representative. So, I started tweeting on Twitter about how upset I was with the computer and the customer service. I soon attracted the attention of the Dell social media team. A representative asked me to call him on the phone and he did a great job resolving the problem. I recently tweeted that I think the Dell social media team does an excellent job resolving problems. The next day I received a tweet from MICHAEL DELL (a verified account) that said, "thanks for the nice kudos about our social media team."
I think I will always buy Dell computers ~ the heart wants what the heart wants.
This Book Will Inspire You
Gary Vaynerchuk wrote Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion in 2009. I read that book and I love it.
Those who are willing to look are witnessing the humanization of business. It will have one of the greatest impacts on commerce we've ever seen. The brand that touches and creates the most emotion will win.
Read these books and then get busy building relationships with everything you've got!
Please let me know what you think in the comments below.
Good review. Now I feel I need to get this book.
This is why I tell people to get on the bandwagon to Twitter & Facebook! It benefits us all!
Great of Dell to have noticed and responded!
Now I want the book too! Thanks for sharing!
I listened to an audio where he talked about his book. His is over the top passionate about it for sure. His enthusiasm is catchy.
Business and business relationships are changing at a rapid rate, accelerated by social media.
It's we all of us shift into appreciation mode and value people before profits.
@Sharon ~ Thank you for your comment. I think you would gain insight from reading this book. The information is good for promoting your business, blog, ministry, etc
@Leona ~ Thank you so much for your comments. I sent Michael Dell a link to this book review on Twitter and he responded with the following message; "Thank you! I am touched and going to check out that book too :)" W00T!
@Jennifer ~ Thank you for reading my review and adding your comment. I think you will find this book full of useful information.
@Becky ~ I have never heard Gary Vee speak but I was very impressed with his first book; "Crush It!"
I think he really has a handle on the new marketing concept that is based on winning hearts and loyalty.
Thank you so much for your comments!
Thank you Janette for sharing information and review of "The Thank You Economy". Online or offline businesses will benefit from social media as long as they implement, follow through and know that it is a building tool, not an 'in your face sales pitch'.
I read more and more about businesses finally understanding that if they don't jump in now, they could lose out on a huge market and profits.
Great post Janette!
@Lynn Yes, now is the time to get started building relationships with social media.
People want to do business with companies that they trust.
Thank you for your comments!
I love Crush It. Will have to get this one too.
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