The title of the book refers to the 17 seconds it took for a young girl to drown. Seventeen year old Rex Conner was swimming with his girlfriend "Sparks" and her sister "Flick" on Flick's 8th birthday. Flicks mother left Rex responsible for watching the young girl while she played in the water. When Rex turns his attention away for only those few seconds the girl drowns. He tries to revive her but to no avail and the mother holds him responsible.
Rex was overcome with grief and guilt. He gradually started noticing others and their needs. He started doing small acts of random kindness. He also noticed nice things that others did for him. When he shared this with Sparks she told him to write these things down in a daily journal. He would let Sparks read his journal regularly. Then Sparks started her own journal, writing down all that Rex was doing to help others, his "Seventeen Second Miracles".
Rex passed his journals and his legacy of doing good down to his son, Cole. Cole's father taught him that "love is a verb" and that "doing good" is not the same as being a "do good" person who has self-centered motives. Cole led a "Seventeen Second Miracle Discussion Group" with high school students that were hand-picked by the school principal. You see, the principal had been profoundly touched by one of Rex Conner's "seventeen second miracles" when he was a young man.
Miracles are all around us if we open our eyes and our hearts to see them. It might take 17 seconds or five hours to reach out and make a difference in another life. Love is a verb and the time spent doing good is not wasted.
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About The Author
Jason F. Wright, New York Times bestselling author of The Wednesday Letters
1 comment:
Hi Janette
What a tragedy and so true it takes just a moment in time for something like that to happen.
Out of that he was changed forever and went on to change the lives of so many. That is what I call inspiring
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