This book seems like a perfect fit for the Kindle. The illustrations are full-screen with several lines of text on each page. If you read the book on the Kindle, you will not be able to enjoy the beautiful color illustrations. I read the book on my Kindle and then I read the book on my Kindle for PC application. The illustrations are quite good in black and white but they are outstanding in color.
The author states that this book is "perfect for kids of all ages". I agree that kids will love this book. I think the best use of this book is to show young children that reading can be so much fun on Mom's Kindle, iPad, phone, etc. Children are curious about modern electronics and I am so glad that authors are creating children's books designed and formatted for these devices.
Thank you Dr. Nickelz for sending me a copy of this book to read and review!
I would be happy to loan this Kindle book to the first person who leaves a comment on this post and asks to borrow the book. I must have an email address to send you this book. If you prefer, you may email me at to request the book.