Author: Mandy Steward
Publisher: David C. Cook
Release Date: October 1, 2013
About The Author
Mandy Steward is a writer, speaker, and blogger in the midst of discovering her authentic Christian self. Her writing has appeared in Brio and Breakaway magazines and on her blog Her work reflects her life as a wife and mother of four and her passion for art. She lives with her family in Oklahoma City.
Tired of Doing the Christian Thing
Are you tired of pretending?
Are you tired of spitting out right answers for others when your own well has gone dry.
Are you tired of thinking the dreams you long to step into aren't holy enough to warrant action?
Are you tired of religiously giving and sacrificing and having nothing left to feed yourself?
Mandy Steward is a pastor's wife, mother of four young children and a talented artist. This is the story of her search for spiritual fulfillment and peace.
Ms. Steward struggles with the expectations that are placed on Christians by the church and society. She questions the beliefs that she was taught as a child. She copes with the guilt, doubt and fear she feels as she questions her faith and her own identity.
Mandy Steward shares her "messy life" and quest to balance her roles as a Christian, wife, mother and artist.
My Thoughts
Ms. Steward has written a heartfelt, thoughtful account of her spiritual and emotional journey over the past several years. She questions almost everything about her life. She comes to the realization that there is nothing wrong with questioning because it is the way a person grows.
It has been several months since I have read a "Christian book." I must warn you that this is not the average book written for Christian women. This book is brutally honest, unvarnished and "messy". The author writes from her heart and expresses a very realistic view of her personal and family life.
I was very impressed by the patience and understanding that was shown by her husband and church family. This young woman is truly blessed to have a loving support system that will allow her to honestly examine her life and follow her dreams.
The good news is that questions lead to understanding and change. This book will inspire women to take a good look at their own situations and see if they are living the life "to the full" that Jesus promises in John 10:10.
My Rating: 5 Stars Out Of 5
FYI ~ I received a digital preview copy of this book from NetGalley.
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