The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Your Business With Pinterest; A Practical Toolkit To Unlock The Web's Latest Social Networking Phenomenon, by Gabriela Taylor, explains how Pinterest is set to become a vital marketing platform for a wide range of businesses.
About The Author
Gabriela Taylor is an internationally educated Global Online Marketing Strategist and Consultant who's worked with some of the world's biggest brands in telecommunications, retail, lifestyle and advertising.
Pinterest For Business
Ms. Taylor is an online marketing professional and is very enthusiastic about the marketing opportunities that Pinterest offers. This book has 140 pages and teaches the reader how to optimize their Pinterest boards to share and promote their business products and services.
This book explains how to get started on Pinterest. There are some impressive graphs that illustrate the remarkable and rapid growth of Pinterest.
Chapter 7, "How To Cash In With Pinterest?", features different kinds of businesses that are using Pinterest to market their products and services. The author advises entrepreneurs to "pin" their products and services in a catchy way, add a description and link back to your site.
The author also lists the top 10 "most Pinteratctive and engaging brands" and the top "Power Pinners" who have made the most of Pinterest.
Chapter 9, "Advanced Pinterest Strategies", really gets into the meat of how to use Pinterest to market your business. The author instructs readers on Pinterest SEO, how to optimize your profile, how to optimize your web site to encourage "pinning", and how to optimize your pins and boards with hashtags, mentions and likes.
The author provides a step-by-step plan for using Pinterest to market your business at the end of this book.
My Thoughts
This is the second book that I have read on Pinterest and I am slowly getting into the habit of visiting the site and "pinning" each day. The site is definitely addictive and very pleasing to the eye.
The first half of this book covers the basics of getting started on Pinterest and how to use it. This is very useful information for beginners on Pinterest.
I found the sections that listed the different kinds of businesses that are using Pinterest, the most "Pinteractive brands" and the "power pinners" to be very interesting. I now have a list of people and companies that I want to follow and learn from.
I thought the step-by-step plan for using Pinterest to market your business was very, very helpful. As a matter of fact, I think this list was the highlight of the book. It is a very good summary of the book and will be a significant help as you get your feet wet on Pinterest.
I have one complaint about this book. I read the book on my Kindle and found the digital formatting to be lacking in quite a few places. One page had two words on it. Many pages just had two or three sentences. I think this problem could be corrected and the book would be much more pleasant to read.
My Rating: 4 Stars Out Of 5
FYI ~ I ordered this book from Amazon.Com when it was offered as a free download. Please check the price before ordering.
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