Title: It's Hard To Be A Person; Defeating Anxiety, Surviving The World and Having More Fun.
Author: Brett Newski
Publisher: Ramshackle Press
Publication Date: June 21, 2021
About the Author
When a couple of doodles he’d posted to social media making light of his struggle with anxiety and depression garnered a surprising and overwhelming response, Brett Newski decided to make his relatable coping mechanism of drawings into a series. Now, Newski presents three years' worth of drawings in his book.
Humorous Thoughts for Dealing With Life
The author uses doodles and simple line drawings to shed light on anxiety, depression, and mental health issues. This is a comic book for teens and adults that offers some light-hearted advice for dealing with life's challenges.
My Thoughts
This is both an art/comic book and a self-help book rolled into one great package. The doodles and drawings are so much fun! I have read this book several times and enjoy it more each time I experience it.
The author faces the challenges of life with a healthy sense of humor. Each new page brings smiles and even laughter. There is serious advice mixed in with the humorous drawings and doodles.
"When you're down and out, It's normal to feel like you'll be stuck there forever. Please note, EVERYTHING is temporary."
If you could use some positivity in your life, this book is for you!
FYI ~ I received a free digital review copy of this book from NetGalley.
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