Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kindle Books For Kids: Franklin Goes To School

Franklin the Turtle has been a much-loved children's book character for many years. He is also a popular star of his own television show. Franklin is now on the Kindle!
Franklin Goes To School, by Paulette Bourgeous, is the classic story of Franklin's first day at school. This book was first published in 1995 and was released as a Kindle ebook in May, 2011.

About the Author
Paulette Bourgeois is best known for creating Franklin the Turtle, the character who appears in picture books illustrated by Toronto native Brenda Clark. The books have sold more than 60 million copies around the world and have been translated into 38 languages. An animated television series, merchandise, DVDs and full-feature movies are based on the character.

The First Day of School
Franklin was going to school for the very first time. He woke up very early and felt like his tummy was "full of jumping frogs".  Franklin's parents walked him to the bus stop and gave him a big hug. Franklin was worried...What if he wasn't smart enough to go to school? Who would be his teacher? Would he have any friends?

When Franklin got to school, his teacher discovered that he was a good artist. Franklin drew pictures, read a book and made a building of blocks. He had a wonderful day at school.

That evening Franklin gave his parents the two pictures he made at school and two big hugs!

A Perfect Story For The First Week of School
I read this story to the students in my school library many, many times. It is a perfect story for the first week of school. All kids are a little nervous when they begin a new school year. This story demonstrates that it is OK to be nervous but school is a friendly place for learning and fun.

This book (and many others in the "Franklin Series") is now available in digital format on the Kindle. I read the book on my Kindle 3 and was very pleased with the formatting and the entire visual experience.

I checked this book out from my public library. The process is very easy and the book is available for a 7 or 14 day period. If you finish the book sooner, you can return it to the library and check-out more digital books. I am very excited about the selection of children's ebooks that are available from the public library. I will writing about more ebooks from the public library over the next few weeks.

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