Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Book Review: Shmirshky ~ National Menopause Awareness Month

September is National Menopause Awareness Month. This is a time to educate women so they will embrace menopause rather than suffer from its symptoms.
"Shmirshky; The Pursuit of Hormone Happiness" offers information about menopause in a humorous and light-hearted manner.
What is a Shmirshky? 
"E" (the pen name of Ellen Sarver Dolgen) tells you everything you want to know about a shmirshky but this is not a book that is limited to women. You will also learn some interesting information about "erlicks".  (Keep reading to discover the definitions of "shmirshky" and "erlick".)

Funny And Informative
This book is very different from the typical book about menopause. It will have you laughing out loud while you read about a subject that many women tend to sweep under the rug.
A "shmirshky" is a playful name for a "vagina" and is used for all women who own one. All women both have and are shmirshkies. An "erlick" is a playful term for a "penis" and all men who own one are erlicks.
The author states that she is a shmirshky who has struggled with perimenopause and menopause. "E" states that when you are in menopause, you must think inside the box. That means think about how you feel, listen to your body, and recognize your needs.
The author has done a great deal of research about PM & M (perimenopause and menopause.) She has interviewed hundreds of women and talked to dozens of medical doctors. She provides information about the symptoms of menopause, thyroid conditions, choosing the right physician, medical tests, hormone replacement therapies, sex during/after menopause, acupuncture, weight gain, emotional support and much more. This book briefly discusses the challenges of male menopause and how to recognize the symptoms.

You Are Not Alone
I believe the repeating theme of this book is "You are not alone." The author encourages shmirshkies to reach out to others. Suffering in silence is OUT.  Menopause is no longer a taboo subject. It is a normal part of life and shmirshkies should not be afraid to say, "I am having problems and I need your help."

The author provides more information on her Shmirshky web site, a Shmirshky Message Board and a Shmirshky Facebook Fan Page. These sites help women connect with shmirshkies who are ready to answer questions and share resources. You might even want to attend a Shmirshky party!

I was very impressed with the detailed information that is available in this book. I was surprised when I found myself smiling, laughing and nodding my head as I read about the experiences of the author. This book will give women hope for a better and healthier future. There are dozens of links to find more information at the end of the book. This is a book that Shmirshkies and Erlicks will find informative and entertaining.

In celebration of Menopause Awareness Month, the author is  offering the e-book edition of Shmirshky: the Pursuit of Hormone Happiness for $2.99, starting right now through September 25th!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary digital copy of this book to read and review from the book's marketing director.

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