The greater your goals, the more you'll need to change people's hearts, minds, and actions. This is especially true if you have few resources and big competitors. Enchantment is a process, not an event. You want your efforts to endure, and this requires that people internalize your cause, reciprocate, and fulfill their commitments. Enchantment transforms situations and relationships. It converts hostility into civility. It changes skeptics and cynics into believers. When you enchant people, your goal is not to make money from them or to get them to do what you want, but to fill them with delight. This book is about touching hearts, building relationships and changing the world.
This Book Filled Me With Delight
Guy Kawasaki stated that he studied twenty books on the subjects of influence and persuasion before he wrote "Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions"
- Why Enchantment?
- How To Achieve Likability
- How To Achieve Trustworthiness
- How To Prepare
- How To Launch
- How To Overcome Resistance
- How To Make Enchantment Endure
- How To Use Push Technology
- How To Use Pull Technology
- How To Enchant Your Employees
- How To Enchant Your Boss
- How To Resist Enchantment
Please let me know what you think in the comments below.
Guy is one of the guys (I set that up on purpose) to whom we love to listen. He has honed his art and his message, always learning more, to make us want to learn from him.
Just like his book. (Yes, I read it, too!)
This book sounds quite intriguing. I really enjoy your reviews Janette. It's always helpful to hear what others took away from a book. If you and Roy both endorse it, I am sure it is worth a read!
@Roy ~ Thanks, Roy. I always appreciate your comments. What other good business books are you reading?
Hi Janette,
I've never read heard about Guy but I really like this concept of "to fill people with delight". I enjoy building relationships and that's what I enjoy most about blogging. The blogging community is are all enchanted people!
Janette: what a fabulous review, I am off to buy the book right now! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, thanks for this most enchanting review!
@Bonnie (myrivendell) ~ I think you will find this book full of useful information and inspiring.
Thank you for reading my review!
@Diana ~ I love your comment "The blogging community are all enchanted people." Thanks for reading my review!
@Maureen ~ I think you will find this book a real inspiration. I am so glad I was able to persuade you to read this book!
@Guy ~ Thank you so much for commenting on my book review. This is a book that I will read over and over again. I also want to check-out some of the book in the bibliography.
This sounds like a great book. I think I need to get it.
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