Surrender All: Your Answer to Living with Peace, Power, and Purpose, by Joni Lamb, is an exciting Christian book that teaches readers how to surrender every aspect of life to God.
The book instructs readers to surrender their marriage, children, career, health and daily life to Jesus Christ. Joni uses examples of surrender from her own personal life. She tells about how she was raised in a Christian home but became involved with a young man who did not make Christian values a priority in his life. She eventually met and married a young Christian evangelist named Marcus Lamb. Joni tells how she and Marcus trusted God to provide resources to build several Christian television networks. They launched the Daystar television network in 1997.
Joni Lamb has interviewed many guests on her television program. She uses many true strories about people she has met and befriended in her book. These stories illustrate how people have overcome great obstacles and hardships by surrendering their difficult situations to Jesus Christ. I found these stories very uplifting and inspirational.
The last chapter in this book is entitled, "Surrender That Saved The World." Joni writes about how Jesus Christ surrendered his personal will to the will of his Father God when he went to the cross. She tells about a trip to Israel that she made with her family and the Daystar team. This last chapter of the book really touched my heart and made me realize how much God can do when I just surrender to Him.
As a Christian woman, I found this book very inspiring and encouraging. The book is fresh and the content is original. This book is a real treasure!