Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Perennials Megatrends by Mauro Guillen - Book Review

Title: The Perennials; The Megatrends Creating a Postgenerational Society

Author: Mauro F. Guillen

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Publication Date: August 22, 2023

Length: 272 Pages

About the Author
Mauro F. GuillĂ©n is one of the most original thinkers at the Wharton School, where he is a Professor of Management and Vice Dean for the MBA for Executives Program. He combines his training as a sociologist at Yale and as a business economist in his native Spain to methodically identify and quantify the most promising opportunities at the intersection of demographic, economic, and technological developments.

Play - Study - Work - Retirement
Virtually every country in the world has embraced the idea that life proceeds in the following four sequential stages;

  1. Play 
  2. Study
  3. Work
  4. Retirement
The author believes the trend of sequential stages is coming to an end and we are entering an era where the perennials will thrive. Perennials are defined as "people who are not characterized by the decade in which they were born but rather by the way they work, learn, and interact with others."

My Thoughts
People are living longer and having fewer children.  Multi-generational households are becoming more common. 
The demand for social skills in the workplace is increasing. The future will require more soft skills, self-awareness, empathy, networked thinking, and lifelong learning. 
The ability to adapt to changes will be crucial in the workplace, in social interactions, and at home. People will be required to adapt, learn, unlearn, and relearn.
This is a fascinating book designed to predict the future trends of the worldwide economy and way of life. This book represents many years of research by the author and his team. The writing style is appropriate for the lay reader as well as professionals in the fields of business, sociology, and economics.
I found this book insightful and inspiring. 
The world will be a better place if these trends come to pass. Long live the Perennials!

My Rating: 5 Stars Out Of 5

Thank you to NetGalley for an excellent reading opportunity.

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