Author: Mark Carraway
Illustrator: Julius Tabiolo
Publisher: Fox Valley Media
Date: March 25, 2012
About The Author
Mark R. Carraway is a part-time author and full-time parent of three children.
The Concept Of Waiting
A little girl learns what it means to "wait" as she goes through her day.
The story begins with the young girl waking up. She has waited all night for the rising of the sun. She has to wait to brush her teeth because someone is in the bathroom. She has to wait while her mother packs her lunch for school. There is much, much more waiting at school.
At the end of the day, the little girl waits for her father to read a bedtime story and tuck her into bed. The story has a poignant ending with the father and girl looking at the setting sun and realizing that waiting is sometimes a good thing.
My Thoughts
The concept of "waiting" is difficult for most children to understand. They want something and they want it to happen NOW!
This story helps a child understand that patience and waiting is part of life. Waiting is necessary for our safety and well-being. Sometimes we have to wait because there are others in front of us. Sometimes we have to wait because we could suffer harm if we act in haste.
The color illustrations are excellent and the formatting for the Kindle Fire is outstanding. I read the book on my Kindle Fire HD and enjoyed the double-page layouts that resemble a real book. This book is a great fit for the landscape orientation on the Kindle Fire. Each page features a full-page illustration with two lines of rhyming text.
I highly recommend this book for pre-school and early elementary age children.
My Rating: 5 Stars Out Of 5
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