The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood
, by Nadine Rosin, is a true story about the human-animal bond, healing cancer holistically, senior canine care, and an empowering new look at the grieving process when a beloved animal passes away.
This memoir tells how Buttons and Nadine lived, loved, laughed and cried together for 19 years. Nadine loved Buttons like an child, and Buttons was one lucky dog!
A Young Lady And Her Dog
In 1984, Nadine's cousin said, "You're going to be twenty-nine next month, you've got no kids, no husband, and no prospects. How 'bout I get you a dog for your birthday?" That is how the journey began.
Nadine and her cousin traveled to Waggin' Tails, the only Cockapoo breeder listed in the Yellow pages. When Nadine walked into the kennel, a small mixed-breed female puppy almost leaped out of her cage and burrowed her entire front end up the sleeve of Nadine's coat. This little pup whined and cried the entire time that Nadine was looking at the other dogs. It was obvious that Buttons had chosen her new mother.
Nadine treated Buttons like a real daughter and they did everything together. Buttons seemed to understand Nadine's reluctance to commit to a loving relationship because of an abusive mother and a difficult childhood. Buttons was there to help Nadine when her long-time boyfriend left her broken-hearted and depressed. Buttons was there for Nadine when she was forced to move multiple times in search of employment.
When Buttons was eight years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. The vet gave her six weeks to live without amputation, chemotherapy and radiation. Nadine refused to accept this diagnosis. She launched a holistic regimen that included cleansing Button's body of all toxins and giving her body the nutritional support it needed to heal itself. Within a few months, Buttons was cancer-free and went on to live many more healthy years.
When Buttons was 18 years old, she suffered a stroke. Nadine nursed her with medication from the vet, natural foods and supplements. Nadine was planning a party to celebrate Button's 19th birthday. Buttons died one week before her birthday.
Nadine describes how she prepared herself for the inevitable death of her dear daughter and the emotions that she felt during the final days. She tells how she had the body cremated and later spread the ashes in some of their favorite places. Nadine tenderly tells how she communicated with Button's spirit after her death. She explains how she grieved and how she was able to eventually work through her grief.
My Thoughts
Disclosure: I am the mother of six beloved dog children. I usually don't like to read "sad dog stories", but this book was a celebration of life and living. Nadine and Buttons had a bond that does not end with death...Love never ends.
Nadine has a wonderful writing style that makes the reader feel like he/she is right in the story. There is never a dull moment in this book.
I seldom shed tears while reading a book, but I admit that I broke down when Buttons died. I felt like I had lost one of my own beloved pets. The joyful news is that Button's spirit still lives in Nadine's heart and always will.
Nadine Rosin has a very interesting web site/blog that offers readers more information about holistic pet care.
This is a book that every dog parent should read. It is an inspiring, moving and remarkable piece of work. The book is available in paperback at Amazon and in digital format on the web site.
Disclosure: Nadine Rosin sent me a complimentary digital copy of this book to read and review.
Are you a dog parent? Please share your thoughts in the Comments Section below.
This memoir tells how Buttons and Nadine lived, loved, laughed and cried together for 19 years. Nadine loved Buttons like an child, and Buttons was one lucky dog!
About The Author
Nadine M. Rosin has been a student of alternative healing for over thirty years and is a certified holistic pets/toxic-free living consultant, pet bereavement facilitator, and public speaker. A Young Lady And Her Dog
In 1984, Nadine's cousin said, "You're going to be twenty-nine next month, you've got no kids, no husband, and no prospects. How 'bout I get you a dog for your birthday?" That is how the journey began.
Nadine and her cousin traveled to Waggin' Tails, the only Cockapoo breeder listed in the Yellow pages. When Nadine walked into the kennel, a small mixed-breed female puppy almost leaped out of her cage and burrowed her entire front end up the sleeve of Nadine's coat. This little pup whined and cried the entire time that Nadine was looking at the other dogs. It was obvious that Buttons had chosen her new mother.
Nadine treated Buttons like a real daughter and they did everything together. Buttons seemed to understand Nadine's reluctance to commit to a loving relationship because of an abusive mother and a difficult childhood. Buttons was there to help Nadine when her long-time boyfriend left her broken-hearted and depressed. Buttons was there for Nadine when she was forced to move multiple times in search of employment.
When Buttons was eight years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. The vet gave her six weeks to live without amputation, chemotherapy and radiation. Nadine refused to accept this diagnosis. She launched a holistic regimen that included cleansing Button's body of all toxins and giving her body the nutritional support it needed to heal itself. Within a few months, Buttons was cancer-free and went on to live many more healthy years.
When Buttons was 18 years old, she suffered a stroke. Nadine nursed her with medication from the vet, natural foods and supplements. Nadine was planning a party to celebrate Button's 19th birthday. Buttons died one week before her birthday.
Nadine describes how she prepared herself for the inevitable death of her dear daughter and the emotions that she felt during the final days. She tells how she had the body cremated and later spread the ashes in some of their favorite places. Nadine tenderly tells how she communicated with Button's spirit after her death. She explains how she grieved and how she was able to eventually work through her grief.
My Thoughts
Disclosure: I am the mother of six beloved dog children. I usually don't like to read "sad dog stories", but this book was a celebration of life and living. Nadine and Buttons had a bond that does not end with death...Love never ends.
Nadine has a wonderful writing style that makes the reader feel like he/she is right in the story. There is never a dull moment in this book.
I seldom shed tears while reading a book, but I admit that I broke down when Buttons died. I felt like I had lost one of my own beloved pets. The joyful news is that Button's spirit still lives in Nadine's heart and always will.
Nadine Rosin has a very interesting web site/blog that offers readers more information about holistic pet care.
This is a book that every dog parent should read. It is an inspiring, moving and remarkable piece of work. The book is available in paperback at Amazon and in digital format on the web site.
Disclosure: Nadine Rosin sent me a complimentary digital copy of this book to read and review.
Are you a dog parent? Please share your thoughts in the Comments Section below.