I would like to share with you a children's book that I recently read. The Legend of the Easter Egg, by Lori Walburg, is a fiction story about the meaning and orgin of Easter Eggs. A legend is defined as "a story handed down through the years and connected with some real events, but probably not true in itself".
This book was illustrated by James Bernardin and was published by Zondervan, a Christian publishing company.
The setting of the story appears to be a farm in the late 1800s. A young boy is sent away to stay with John and Mary Sonneman while his sister recovers from scarlet fever. The Sonnemans own a candy store so Thomas feels like he has died and gone to heaven. He helps John work in the store and on Good Friday he goes to church with the Sonnemans. Thomas listens to the story of Jesus's death. Mary Sonneman explains to Thomas that "just as a chick breaks out of an egg, so had Jesus broken free of the tomb of death. Easter eggs remind us that Jesus conquered death and gives us eternal life."
On Easter morning, Thomas fills a basket full of colored eggs and walks home to see his sister. Lucy is recovering and Thomas is anxious to tell her about his faith in Jesus, his hope for new life and the Easter eggs.
There is a page in the back of the book that explains the traditions and symbols of Lent and Easter.
I think this is a wonderful book to share with children. Children will hear the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and learn the meaning of new life through the symbolism of the Easter egg. Parents and teachers will want to share the entire Easter story with their children after reading this book. This is a great story to read at Easter or anytime of the year.
Lori Walburg also wrote The Legend of the Candy Cane.